April 8, 2010

Inner Messages

Dear God,
Will you speak to me about inner messages? Some have asked me how they know it is spiritual guidance they are getting?

My Beloved Ones,
As you have said and it is true, the messages are insistent, stronger each time, and it feels good and correct when it comes through. If you disregard the guidance long enough, your body begins to transmit signs of discomfort. Stress will start to manifest in your being. I am there to support your decisions no matter what they are.

I want you to make the highest and best choice for your growth and ascension but it is always your choice. Many times the easier PATH IS TAKEN BECAUSE IT SEEMS SO, ONLY TO FIND OUT LATER IT WAS INDEED THE HARDEST PATH AND CHOICE TO MAKE. You know in the depths of your being what is right and correct. You always know even if you deny it.

Ask and you will receive. It is so. Listen with your heart.
I Am I Am I Am

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