April 7, 2010

Letter on Success

Spirit Letter, January 15th, 2008
Holy Spirit…God…the Divine One,
I am giddy with the gifts that come pouring in and I stand ready to deliver on everything.
I am redefining my work energy and focusing on becoming organized with my paper work, filing and prioritizing all my many projects. I am grateful for all the guidance.
I am an open and willing vessel for your words to pour through.

My Dear Ones,
I will speak with you today on preparing. Being prepared for success is in the doing of all you think must be done before success has happened.
When you have accomplished all the prep work that is necessary for the arrival of success then you are more willing to greet it and feel as though you have earned the right to glory in it.
The very act of preparation attracts to you like a magnet, opportunities to use the preparation to advance your life and wishes.
To become ready for your desires to be made manifest there are some things you must do to spiritually prepare for this. It requires faith and a knowing and a strong course of staying in this thought vibration. You must also understand that to think you can get by without preparation will only hinder your otherwise puny efforts. A little self-discipline will go a long way. It is not wise to try and wing it when success shows up. You can not fool yourself or others into thinking that you are more prepared than you are. You will look foolish and then what do you think will happen to your desires?

Your success in life is determined not only by your strengths but by your weaknesses. Looking closely at your weaker points of nature will help you to focus ever stronger. What is it that you have to be strongest at in order to arrive at the top of the hill? What habits of a weaker nature do you have that should be honed into a something much finer?
Do you waste time and how do you waste it? How can you do it differently? What are the weaknesses that hold you back? To answer this question requires that you be very honest with yourself. If you cannot offer honesty to yourself then you cannot offer this to others.
Do you watch too much of the viewer you call television? Turn it off and only view it at certain times as a treat and not the normal course of things or remove it altogether. Take apart a normal day and you will be able to determine where the best improvements can be made.

I would also tell you that it is vitally important to your spirit that you meditate and do the spiritual practices that have been taught to you.
These practices of love, gratitude and thought action are not just fluff.
Your choice or not but to greet success and indeed to call it to you, you must do the preparation on a spiritual level as well as a human level.

You prepare by thinking the thoughts and paving the way. You prepare by speaking with me. I am your editor, I am your partner, and I am your coach. I am all you will need to re-new and refresh your way and your spirit.

You must be prepared for what is on its way. Start thinking the grandest thoughts and believing the highest vision of what you are and what you want to be.

You can pave the road to be so smooth or you can leave it rocky and full of potholes. A smooth road will deliver you quicker to your destiny.

Jesus prepared every day and studied constantly and talked with me.
He tried to tell you about this. It is time to assimilate this knowledge.
Light workers are needed more than ever before in your history.
I am here to help you out of your caves of darkness and self flagellation.

Hold yourself in light and remember love…always love.

I am your God…

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