April 8, 2010

Gratitude and Mindless Choices

Spirit Letter August 30, 2009

Dear Creator,
I am peaceful this morning and as I went outside I could hear the birds slowly waking up to their world. It is a little cooler and I can feel the change of the new season is close at hand. The fall season is beautiful as the leaves change color. I am in awe of how perfectly the design of everything is. I have a question this morning. Can love transform our world and stave off the coming disasters? I am a scribe for your words.

There is far too much attention being paid to what is wrong and bad. The labels that are being put on everything make it the label that it is called. Rather than call something a disaster, call it an experience. That is what it is. Through mindless choices the world has become a collective of all choices. There are many of you who are trying to bring about positive changes and become disheartened at the task at hand. You ask yourselves if one person can stem the tidal wave of bad choices? The answer is that not putting forth your effort however small you think it is, is a mistake in thinking. Good will attract like energy. So, put forth good thoughts and let hope be your eternal banner. Love is the strongest force there is. It will always be thus. When you are expressing love in any given situation you are transforming it into something that will benefit all for the greatest and highest good. See the good in everything that is…even something that you would have previously labeled bad or negative. It is always there to be found if you know how to look…you will find.
When you are expressing gratitude, you are expressing love and it will be felt and heard around the universe. This one practice will bring forth a high vibrational pull of good in your life and others. If someone is not expressing gratitude then express it for them. You understand the power of this and as each of you understands this, it will help turn the tidal wave of negative thoughts. The design of everything was created in love and an expression of joy. Look at the design pattern of a leaf. It is perfect is it not?
It does not try to redesign itself. It is perfect and so are all of you.
Some of you may seek to change the outer design through surgery but the inner design cannot be changed by anyone but yourselves.
Change your inner thoughts and feelings and the expression of your life will follow that perfectly. It is your free-will and only yours to do with what you will.
I Am I Am I Am

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