May 9, 2010

Spirit Letter...The time of the great reveal

Oh Dear Spirit…
Everything is so heightened and intense of recent times and I am curious what is going on or is it just me? I am a willing vessel to receive any guidance or messages you wish to impart.

This is the time of the great reveal…all is being thrown in your face to make changes that are required to assist you in the ascension process. Even avatars will feel a sense of unease or unrest during this time. All are being called to rid themselves… to rid their spirits of that which does not serve them any longer. This would include habits, people, living spaces, employments, relationships of any kind, old outmoded beliefs, organizations and of course the past.
This purging process is at times very painful not only for the “purger” but for the “purgee” if it is a person or persons that is involved. There are souls who will hang on with the ferocity of a bull dog when they are being cut off from what they perceived as their life raft. Those who have hung on for far too long will be cut loose from the vein
that fed them and took away from the source.
Tread softly now and remain very aware as you go about your days. Use your powers of discernment constantly as messages and guidance Are being sent to aid you in your life.
Many souls do not have a clue as to what to do with all this energy they feel. It is true that your world has sped up. Relationships will flicker in and out. Souls will be in the departing process. Many will react with anger…wild laughter or intense joy…deep sadness…run away and not be heard from again.
This is all a sign of the purge.
Rid yourself of anything that does not serve your highest calling and strive to be in a state of peace to enjoy the gifts as they come at whatever level they appear.
Your life experience will seem as if you were transported back into time and it will feel as if you are seeing “what was” in the experience of “what really is.”
This will be unsettling at best but does it not make sense that in order to totally embrace the ascension you must be in a place of pure truth about your life?
Ignorance is Not bliss. Ignorance is darkness and not of the light.
Be at peace dear ones and feel my love for you. All is well.
Know this with all the truth and light that is in your being and remain steadfast.

I am the light…You are the light
I am…I am…I am

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