Welcome to GOD'S SPIRIT LETTERS. I had a question for God one day and after meditation I started writing in my spiritual journal. I wrote Dear God and followed with the question and in seconds what poured through was amazing. I felt such power and love around me. When I shared the letters the reactions were the same. Everyone said to publish the letters that it was for everyone. SPIRIT LETTERS was born for all. For more information and to order, www.makeachoicenow.com
May 23, 2010
Spirit Letter..Practice and habits
My Dearest Friend, Confidant and Creator,
There is much happening these days and my days are full. I was in Charlotte recently and had a full wonderful day of new experiences and new people. One thing I noticed was there was so much energy present. As I drove there I was not alone. At least 3 spiritual entities were there with me and throughout the day and I felt your presence as you guided me and filled me with what to say. I am grateful and feel your prompting to allow the wisdom to flow from you to me. I am your scribe. I am ready.
Dear Creative Ones,
I will speak to you today about practice for your spiritual self. It is that thing you do more than once until it becomes a spiritual habit. There are many things that you do and say out of habit. You are totally unaware about many of these habits until someone calls your attention to it. You may chew on your lip when concentrating. You may constantly clear your throat or have a certain morning ritual. There are many things you do unconsciously out of habit.
It is far better to develop habits consciously with deliberate intent when it comes to your soul’s growth. You may believe that you know what is needed intellectually but I am speaking about a different sort of knowledge.
This is knowledge from the level of the heart and faith.
Look carefully at all the habits you have developed in your life and pick and choose others that can replace any of those things which do not serve your greatest and highest good. What is it that would enhance your life and bring about abundance, peace, joy, happiness and laughter? What is the one thing that you could do consistently to bring more love and understanding in your life?
I will tell you this if you offer more of these things to others it will return to you a hundred fold. You can become what you are offering even if you do not feel it on a spiritual level at the time. As you put it into your life at whatever level you can it will expand. There is no maybe to this fact. It will happen!
Your heart is not meant to be used in a closed off fashion. It is meant to be opened and to allow this open energy to flow into the world. If you are feeling anything less that love, ask yourself why? Do not let it go un-noticed. Be a conscious being! You are not a rock. You are not a tree. You are a physical expression of me. All that I am is imprinted upon every cell in your body. Feel the birthright that is yours and has always been and always will be. When you turn away from yourself refusing to discover what you are, refusing to understand your spiritual essence, you turn away from me as we are ONE!
The wealth you are searching for is within. When you take the key and unlock the inner temple of the soul, you unlock the treasury of the heart and all good will flow into and from you. Everything you seek is there…absolutely everything!
My love knows no bounds. my heart is open wide and has never been closed. Abide with me.
www.makeachoicenow.com (to order book)
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