April 30, 2010

Oh Holy One,

I seem more grounded with you all the time. I feel you so strong in my life. I ask of you what

would you send me at this time in terms of your infinite wisdom? Is there something I am missing?

or have not understood. Is there any course correction I need to take? I am an open and willing

vessel for your energy to flow into and out of my heart and soul.

Analyze your greatness…look to the brightest light that shines within you. Concentrate on the light within

and examine that. There are many things that distinguish you from others. These gifts should be honored.

It is fine and a beautiful thing to tell others about their greatness but remember that greatness may be a foreign concept to them. Feed and teach them slowly. They will come forward to the light within.

You are softening and further transmuting is taking place. This is to ready you spiritually for the next phase of your journey. This phase is more intense than the last and you will be made ready for the growth. As in any fine repast, time should be readied to digest what has been taken in so it is fully absorbed. You are a hungry student and thus make an intense feeder of truth back unto others. Allowing the energy to flow will open up new horizons. You are in a further awakening stage.

This softening stage of spiritual awakening is to mute that force that is you so that you can better hear me.

Ego is dying…and does not wish to do this. You have stated this and I am glad you heard these words and repeat them often. When the little self speaks…it has a purpose and that is to keep you contained and blind to your highest and most incredible self. It wishes to keep you small and mediocre. I created everything to be extraordinary and this includes you. Know this to be true.

You made a wise choice when you said the time was not in alignment with what you have taken as your purpose. You saw clearly the correct decision. It is good to be prideful about this decision. I am sending more souls to the vision that will be mighty and true to assist you. Do you see the plan that has been put in place? I know the answer. You know the answer. This question is just to make you reflect back a bit and see the divine synchronicity that is there.

My dearest ones, it is all good and it is exactly what it is. Stay the course and keep the lines of communication burning. I am here.

The Book "SPIRIT LETTERS" can be ordered from www.makeachoicenow.com

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